Channahon-Minooka Local News

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John Ferak's profile pictureEdited by John FerakVerified Patch Staff Badge
Channahon-Minooka|Neighbor News|

Obituary: Melissa Lynn Tolios

She will be remembered by many for her grace, dignity, and yearning to learn.

Obituary: Melissa Lynn Tolios

Local Businesses

Channahon-Minooka|Neighbor News|

Obituary: Samantha Brooke Manering

A dedicated and beloved teacher at Joliet Central High School passes away at the age of 42.

Obituary: Samantha Brooke Manering
Channahon-Minooka|Neighbor News|

Obituary: Mary F. Panagiotopoulos

A lifelong Joliet area resident and member of All Saints Greek Orthodox Church passes away at age 89.

Obituary: Mary F. Panagiotopoulos
Channahon-Minooka|Neighbor News|

Obituary: Pasquale Carestia

He was a quiet man of few words, his example and qualities spoke volumes about the kind of man he was.

Obituary: Pasquale Carestia